
I am Riley Lubich and I am an artist.

I grew up surrounded by creative people. Much of my childhood was spent in my grandmother’s pottery studio working with clay or painting larger than life pieces with my whole body on the concrete patio. One of my parents’ favorite stories to tell about me is the time that I set up a table on the corner to sell not lemonade, but original crayon drawings. These things being said, I always knew that in some shape or form, this is what I wanted to be.

Now I can proudly say that I’m living that little girl’s dream, creating art full time in my beautiful desert home of Moab, Utah. If you come to town, you can see my art displayed and available for purchase at our local gallery, Moab Made.

From the alpine wonderlands of Montana to the desert oasis of Moab, Utah, I aim to bring the joy of nature as I experience it into others lives through my art.

I was raised in Colorado hiking in Rocky Mountain National Park, fishing and camping with my grandparents, and learning everything I know about wildflowers from my Aunt Teri. When I graduated high school, I moved to Bozeman, Montana, where I continued to pursue a life outdoors. My years in Montana were spent enjoying special places like Yellowstone and Glacier National Parks and Bozeman’s surrounding mountains. I treasured my time there and the exposure to those wild places helped me find my voice as a landscape artist.

In 2020 I moved to Moab, Utah, where I continue to spend my time exploring the places that I love with paint.


On the Environment:

Sustainability is very important to me as a consumer, so I feel that as a business it’s my responsibility to be conscious and intentional about what I’m sending out into the world. With that in mind, I reuse and recycle shipping supplies as often as possible. That’s why it wouldn’t be uncommon for you to receive your painting in a repurposed shipping box from another purchase! I also reuse packing materials like bubble wrap and paper fillers. Anything which must be bought new is plant based, biodegradable, or recyclable. Prints come packaged in a fully compostable sleeve (must be composted in a commercial composting facility - I’d like for it to be backyard compostable, but we just aren’t there yet) and a 100% recycled paper mailer that can go straight into your recycling, and are sealed with biodegradable packing tape. My business cards are made from paper scraps and old paintings, hand stamped by myself.